First responders of all types have at least one thing in common. They all have a lot of gear they need to be ready for whatever the situation throws at them. When you have a big truck, that’s not a problem. As consumer trucks are used more and more by police, fire, and ems, efficient use of space is increasingly vital. That’s why we at R.J. Woodworking designed the FRV cabinet system.
After having a discussion with our local fire chief, we set out to build a system that is robust, %100 decontaminatable, and efficient. Last but not least, it needs to look cool.

Design, Build, Test, Refine, Complete
Every accessory you could want can be added, such as:
Locking drawers (RFID, combo, or keyed)
Gun safes
SCBA holders
Cargo nets
Command stations
When you order a FRV system from R.J. Woodworking, we deliver a complete solution. We don’t make you choose from a dropdown. We take your napkin drawings, the dimensions of your gear, and frequency of access, and design it with you.
After analyzing the gear you carry, and the vehicle it goes in, we build a mockup and dry fit to be sure that everything works well. This step not only confirms you get exactly what you want, it gives inspiration for creativity and more features. Maybe you want to add a cargo-net, or a hanging hook. We want the end result to be perfect for you.
Stylized to your crew
Shape the culture of your department by stylizing your equipment. Because each box is designed for each department, your logo, motto, or member name, or whatever else you could want can be etched into the multicolor material for a permanent and beautiful look.
The FRV is made from marine grade high-density polyethylene. HDPE is solid color, which means scratches don’t ruin the finish. It is chemically resistant, so go ahead and powerwash it with bleach to decontaminate it. and better yet it comes in colors like black/red/black, or black/blue/black for a thin red line finishing touch.
Give us a call, or shoot us an email. Let’s work together to make your crew faster, cleaner, and healthier!

A gear loadout cabinet designed to fit YOUR gear.
Every branch of the public service sector and every department is different. Off the shelf solutions just don’t fit.
Your crew knows how to do their jobs. They have the tools they need. Dont waste time digging through a pile of gear.
Fit ``10 lbs of gear in a 5 lb truck``

"The equipment box that RJ Woodworking made turned out simply awesome. The staff came up with a concept, they involved us from the “mock up” to final installation. We gave them the idea of what we needed and they were SPOT on, even threw in a few surprises (love the “thin red line”). The fact that it is plastic (easy to decontaminate) and adjustable will allow for us to use this box for many years to
come. GREAT JOB RJ Woodworking……….."